Calhoun Presbyterian Apartments Foundation (CPAF) in Anniston has made a large donation of $280,000 over three years to the Presbyterian Home for Children to be utilized for deferred maintenance on the infrastructure at the Home’s Talladega campus.
Home President and CEO Doug Marshall said the gift is a blessing for which the Home is “incredibly grateful.”
“We put a lot of love into our beautiful and historic campus, and these funds will help us continue maintaining our facilities and allow us to even better fulfill our mission of providing hope and healing to at-risk children and families who turn to us in their time of need,” Marshall said.
CPAF said they chose to give funds to the Home because what PHFC does is “incredibly valuable and necessary to our area.”
“When we think of all the people that you have helped and the vast number of people still in need, we feel not only deeply grateful for your courage and vision but also strongly compelled to help support your good cause,” the foundation said. “You represent all that is good, ethical, and moral in an organization that is designed to help those in need. You can be assured that your efforts are greatly appreciated not only by us but by the members of this community. We look forward to seeing the continued progress you will make in the near future.”
CPAF board members Lin Veasey, Larry Dawson, Nancy Whitley and Jerry Parris recently visited the Home to present Marshall with the first installment check and get a tour of facility improvements being made on campus to double the Home’s Secure Dwellings program that provides housing for homeless children and their female caregivers.
After the check presentation, Marshall said all of the CPAF board members have been “faithful mission partners of the Home over many years and each with a deep love of children and families.”