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First Presbyterian Huntsville delivers goodies for children, families

First Presbyterian Church Huntsville recently delivered laundry baskets and gift bags for the Home’s children and families.

The laundry baskets included personal toiletries and body wash and were put together by First Presbyterian’s Intergenerational Mission Night. It was planned by the church’s Christian Education Committee under the leadership of Kathy Gillmore, Director of Christian Education.

The gift bags were delivered to the Home for our Robinson teen girls a few weeks ago by Anne Whitfield and Janis Williams, a board member at the Home.

Bo and Nancy Lundy and Jeff Hyatt delivered the laundry baskets on Nov. 6 for our Family Bridges program. The three stayed for the day to volunteer at the Home’s campus, repainting the deck, doors and trim at Uptain Cottage, which is being prepared to house more families in our Secure Dwellings program.

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