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Home’s mission partner M.I.N.D. expands outreach to Marengo County

The Home’s mission partner, M.I.N.D. Mentoring in New Dimensions, gave out cotton candy, popcorn and snowcones to children at a Trunk or Treat event at Marengo County High School on October 28.
The event drew dozens of children in Halloween costumes and their parents to cars and trucks filled with candy and Halloween decorations for the Trunk or Treat event in Dixon Mills.
The Presbyterian Home for Children is a proud mission partner with M.I.N.D. and their leader Brooks Thomas, a Wilcox County native who started the nonprofit six years ago to mentor and tutor children after school and teens during the summer to prepare them with life and job skills. M.I.N.D. is based in Wilcox County, Alabama, and also works with children and teens in neighboring communities in the Black Belt of Alabama such as Marengo County.

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