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PHFC honors Krista Lovell of Huntsville with ‘Legacy of Love Award’

Every year, the Home honors one of our partners in ministry with the “Legacy of Love Award” to express our deep gratitude for helping us serve the at-risk and homeless children entrusted to our care. For 2021, we are honoring Krista Lovell, Mission Coordinator at Faith Presbyterian Church of Huntsville.
Building upon the strong foundation of mission which has been a part of Faith Presbyterian Church since its inception, Krista has used her passion for mission and her creativity to motivate the congregation to become more aware and knowledgeable of the ministry of its mission partners as well as to become more personally involved and invested in their ministry. Faith has always been generous in its financial support of mission, but through Krista’s leadership its members have become more active in a “hands-on” fashion in the ministry of several of its mission partners including the Presbyterian Home for Children.
Through moments for mission, newsletter articles, one on one conversations, and leadership of its Mission Committee, Krista has enabled Faith members to have a better understanding of the programs and ministry PHFC provides and, in response, have donated their time, resources, gifts and prayers to its ministry in a variety of ways. Through Krista’s leadership, Faith members have provided “truckloads” of items needed for children and mothers served by the Secure Dwellings ministry. These “Baskets of Love” as Krista named them, were laundry baskets filled with towels, bedding, hygiene items, toys, stuffed animals, and other basic items which were given to those making a new start in life.
Krista has incorporated the mission of PHFC into Vacation Bible School, Sunday School, their annual Marketplace which raises funds to support its mission partners, their annual Christmas Offering, as well encouraged the Mission Committee and Session to designate PHFC as the recipient of its annual Mother’s Day Offering.
As the congregation became more aware of the mission of PHFC over the past few years, Faith members have visited the campus not only to learn more about PHFC’s ministry but also to provide maintenance and repairs and have been very involved in the “Sweet Home Soiree.” This increased awareness of the ministry of PHFC and the encouragement to become personally involved has resulted in a significant increase in the level of financial support Faith members have provided to PHFC in recent years and has established a solid foundation for continued support.
Through her passion and love for mission, Krista will leave a legacy of love for the mission of Christ as well as the mission and ministry of the Presbyterian Home for Children.

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