In 2022, wonderful things we laid out in our strategic plan for serving at-risk children and families came to fruition, and you can read about many of them in the annual report now available on our website here.
The annual report celebrates the PHFC Thrift Store’s move to a larger, more visible location, and the roll out of our new website and donor software that will help us meet our current and future friends where they are – online.
Speaking of friends, the annual report will tell you about how we expanded our outreach to children and youth in Wilcox and Marengo counties, and how the Home’s Union Village tiny cottage development for the deaf, blind, and deafblind expanded in 2022 thanks to grants from generous donors.
The annual report also notes that our efforts were recognized by major awards, including a Four-Star Rating – their highest possible rating – from Charity Navigator, the world’s largest and most trusted nonprofit evaluator.
Your support helped make all this success possible, so take a moment to check out the annual report HERE and enjoy with us all we have done together to make a difference for the at-risk children and families entrusted to our care.