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Soaring with Excellence: PHFC’s Path to EAGLE Reaccreditation for 2025

Since 2017, the Presbyterian Home for Children has held the highest standard for a faith-based organization, the EAGLE accreditation.

We were reaccredited for the prestigious honor in 2020.

Because accreditation is renewed on a four-year cycle, it’s time again for PHFC to go through the process to keep our honored accreditation status with Educational Assessment Guidelines Leading toward Excellence (EAGLE), the only faith-based accrediting body in the United States for ministry to children and older adults.

2024-2025 will be a busy year as our staff prepares the arduous documentation to maintain the accreditation title that is also required for the Home to operate our new Caminos® program that helps ensure unaccompanied immigrant minors coming to Alabama are being placed in safe housing.

Accreditation is a formal recognition of high performance standards, long-term sustainability and stewardship. But Doug Marshall, President and CEO of the Home, said EAGLE accreditation does more.

“EAGLE accreditation also assures the organization is operating in a manner that is representative of their faith foundation,” Marshall said. “EAGLE challenges organizations to soar above the competition while living their faith values.”

The Home’s leadership is up to the task of receiving EAGLE reaccreditation. After all, our president, Marshall, helps other organizations gain their EAGLE accreditation by visiting their campuses to conduct reviews as a member of the EAGLE Accreditation Commission. He is also on the executive committee of the Methodist Ministries Network, which is the sponsoring organization of EAGLE.

Stephani Burton, Vice President of People, Culture and Administration, trained to be an EAGLE peer reviewer last year and is available to serve at-risk children and youth in other parts of the country through an accreditation team. 

A review team will visit the Presbyterian Home for Children in September 2025 as part of the reaccreditation process.

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